4-Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence. The future of digitisation: sustainability & roadmapping

Impact CoCEvents, News, Succeed

After the lunch break, the conference continued with the second block: ‘The future of digitisation: sustainability and roadmapping’. This block was introduced by Alicia Blaya, WP7 leader, who provided an overview of this WP and introduced the following sessions. Tomasz Parkola, leader of WP4 presented the highlights of this WP presenting best practices in the digitisation of CH: tools, formats and licensing.

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Then, Sieta Neuerburg, WP2 leader, presented the interoperability of digitisation platforms: ideals, barriers, and recommendations, as one of the main outputs of this WP.

To finish this second block, the first of the panel session programmed for the day was chaired by Alicia Blaya (Fundación Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes). This panel session, named `’What’s next? Further research and development projects’ count on the participation of Hildelies Balk, on behalf of Delpher project, Clemens Neudecker, representing Europeana Newspapers project, Corinne Szteinsznaider, from DCH-RP project and Marie-Véronique Leroi, from Athena Plus Project.

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In this panel session, participants talks about their experiencies as participants and coordinator of other projects and gave some suggestions and ideas for further ones.

While the pannel happened, Elco van Staveren, from the Koninklijke bibliotheek, visualized and summed it up in this original way:

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