Czech Lexicon


The period covered by the Historical Lexicon of Czech is between 1800 and 1900. And the type of material consists of books and newspapers.

The current lexicon is divided in different periods.

  • 1801-1809: 16,052 lemmata, 311,362 word forms and 321,099 lemma/word forms combinations.
  • 1810-1842: 16,056 lemmata, 297,122 word forms and 304,711 lemma/word forms combinations.
  • 1843-1849: 9,406 lemmata, 178,783 word forms and 183,079 lemma/word forms combinations.
  • 1850+: 31,954 lemmata, 506,663 word forms and 518,628lemma/word forms combinations.